
Upcoming Classes

I am always adding classes and interested in providing learning opportunities. Please reach out to me to reserve a spot at a future class or lets connect to set up a class for you.

A necklace with a large white stone on it.

The Springtime Elegance Pendant and CRAW Rope

Class: 2-day class in person only (limit 15 advanced beginner to intermediate student)

Where: The Create MindSpace Studio

When: Sundays April 27th and May 11th 2025 1:00PM-4:00PM (Videos will be available for 2 weeks after class)

Prerequisite: Good eye sight, finger dexterity, comfortable with peyote stitch or contact instructor prior to class date.

Cost: Kit and instruction $150

A necklace with a large stone on it

The Anytime Elegance Pendant and Spiral Rope

Class: 2-day class in person only (limit 15 advanced beginner to intermediate student)

Where: The Create MindSpace Studio

When: Sundays March 2nd and March 16th 2025 1:00PM-4:00PM (Videos will be available for 2 weeks after class)

Prerequisite: Good eye sight, finger dexterity, comfortable with peyote stitch or contact instructor prior to class date.

Cost: Kit and instruction $150

A pair of earrings with blue beads and silver chains.

Winter Icicle Swirl Earrings

Class: 1-day class in person only (limit 15 advanced beginner to intermediate student)

Where: The Create MindSpace Studio

When: February 23rd 2025 1:00PM-4:00PM (Videos will be available for 2 weeks after class)

Prerequisite: Good eye sight, finger dexterity, comfortable with peyote stitch or contact instructor prior to class date.

Cost: Kit and instruction $65

A necklace is shown on the neck of a woman.

Class: 1-day class in person only (limit 15 advanced beginner to intermediate student)

Where: The Create MindSpace Studio

When: February 9th 2025 1:00PM-4:00PM (Videos will be available for 2 weeks after class)

Prerequisite: Good eye sight, finger dexterity, comfortable with peyote stitch or contact instructor prior to class date.

Cost: Kit and instruction $75

Click Here for Videos
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5
Video 6
Video 7
Video 8
Video 9
Video 10

How to Get Involved

Join me for a class and become inspired! Reach out to me with questions and sign up for classes.

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