It is an understatement that living in today’s world is fraught with uncertainty, unrelenting stress, and anxiety.  As a result many feel overwhelmed, helpless and out of control in some vital aspect of their lives. These feelings are an enemy of mental and physical health.  You may say, “I know that, but what can be done?… I am overwhelmed!” One way to support mental and physical health is to “Create MindSpace”.  Creating MindSpace will reduce some of the frustrations and help one gain personal control. We cannot control our external environments, but we can have a sense of control by altering our home and work environments, thus creating “Functional MindSpace”…

What is Functional MindSpace?  

“Functional MindSpace” refers to the Mental Space we achieve by intentionally creating systems of organization in our home and at work. Organization not only frees our mind for peak performance, but frees up our time so that our lives can be filled with accomplishment, physical or creative endeavors, and social activities… facilitating a true work-life balance.  Peace in the human heart, while living in this restless world, is the goal!

Why do I need to consider this?  

You don’t!!!  That is, if you like living in chaos, being stressed out all the time, restless at work and restless at home, never able to finish anything unless it is the crisis project of the day, feeling agitated, having no time for fun, having a house that is a wreck – yet you work on it constantly… and the list goes on.  These experiences and feelings can be, to a large degree, due to a lack of organization at home or at work.  Creating systems of organization is like oiling the car engine.  It starts, runs smoothly, and gets us where we need to go on time and with ease.  Wouldn’t life be easier, more efficient, less stressed and more fun if we just oil life’s engine and get organized!  That is the goal of functional MindSpace.

How do I climb this mountain?  

One step at a time!  Not two….(for you over achievers Smiles!)  Pick only one small irritating aspect of your life and plan to fix it promptly.  Here is one silly example, but it illustrates how peace comes to you from taking small steps.  My Experience:  Every time I went to get a tea bag out of the kitchen cabinet it was a nightmare.  I have so many boxes of tea, cups and condiments…  when rooting for what I want, everything starts falling over and out of the cabinet.  Everyday the same frustrating experience.  One day I got sick of this experience taking away the peace of a nice relaxing cup of tea.  So I bit the bullet and researched the best tea organizer for me.  Yes I paid $25 (which killed me), but it changed the entire ritual of tea making everyday henceforth.  Was it worth the expense?  Absolutely – it was worth both the time to organize and the  expense! During the year since I have had hundreds of peaceful experiences making a cup of tea.  Sounds like a little thing, but in my busy life, that speck of time can be the only sacred time I have that day. I have come to look at organizional purchases as buying quality of life and peace for the price of a few Starbucks Coffees. Is it worth it?  You bet… No stress.. Now I have at least one organized cabinet, that is a pleasure to navigate!

How can this website help me?

Please check in from time to time to check out some tips and tricks to help you Create MindSpace through organization.  Feel free to join us as we tackle organizational projects together, one step at a time.  Slow and steady gets things done by laying a good foundation and building on that foundation.  Please feel free to contact me with your personal organizational irritations and frustrations.  Feel free to send us photos of your challenges, and we will try to make suggestions that could be helpful to you.


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