Creative MindSpace: What is Bead Therapy and What Do We Offer? Education!
Many bead artists refer to the hobbies of bead weaving, bead embroidery, and bead weaving on a loom as “Bead Therapy!” Like other creative outlets, “Bead Therapy” is one form of art therapy that can enhance all aspects of our being: cognitive, emotional, social, physical, perceptual, and spiritual. “Bead Therapy” combines creativity with the physical and emotional benefits of relaxation.
Relaxation usually comes easily when we engage in simple and well designed projects. Basic projects with repetitive motion decrease the need for concentration and can protect us from the frustration that often comes with complexity. Keeping it simple doesn’t mean it can’t look complex, but simplicity can allow the conscious mind to free itself and zone into a state whereby the unconscious mind can do its job more efficiently. When the conscious mind is relaxed, it stops obsessing and fretting and gets out of the way of the unconscious mind that is trying to organize, problem solve, plan, and dream. This process of focused relaxation creates mind space… Hence our name, “Creative MindSpace”, where we can experience “Clarity through Creativity!”
More advanced beading projects do have a place but can affect the brain differently. They can help the brain develop patience, awareness, and strategic problem solving. Sometimes these projects even involve applying the principals of math, physics, and engineering. These projects actually can sharpen the brain, staying off the effects of the shrinking, aging brain.
All projects enhance our fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, and build confidence and self-esteem. When we complete a project or master a new skill, we are happy with ourselves and feel a true sense of accomplishment, even if the world is falling apart around us. When others admire our creations, we feel a sense of success and gratitude, and our spirit soars!
The brain is our most prized possession. It is the computer that controls our entire life and being. It is always working behind the scenes doing millions of tasks that we are unaware of, much like the operating system of our literal computers. We all know what happens to our computers when they become overloaded with information and do not have enough memory. You may have even experienced a time when your computer became overstimulated because you failed to close out 99 windows, didn’t manage the cookies and caches, or didn’t realize the rabbits created by duplications of files, folders, and content, not to mention the tasks we are throwing at it all at once. Yes, it starts to work inefficiently, slowing down, doing crazy things, and worst of all, it can CRASH! Our brains can be the same!
One way to keep our brains healthy is through engaging in creative art, like knitting, crocheting, painting, or beading. Creativity facilitates the MindSpace necessary for the operating system of our brains to function efficiently and do what it does best! Focused relaxation is to the brain what oil is to a car engine. When we oil our brains, everything runs more smoothly and efficiently. It is amazing what we can accomplish when given a little “Creative MindSpace”!
We at “Creative MindSpace”, offer small in-person beading classes of no more than 10 students or private instruction. We also host online classes and provide some free tutorials and videos on this website. Our students learn new skills and explore their own creativity while relaxing their mind and spirit. Some students like the privacy of working individually in a quiet spa-like setting. Others that are more social welcome the opportunity to form new friendships and meaningful relationships by working in an open classroom setting. Both environments are peaceful and relaxing with a non-competitive, non-judgmental, and friendly atmosphere. “Creative MindSpace” is committed to quality instruction and student support. Our goal is that each student experience the happiness and self-satisfaction of completing beautiful wearable art in a setting that they can feel comfortable in and that allows their spirit to thrive.
Beading is something ANYONE can do. No specific artistic talent is needed nor prior experience. The only thing needed is the desire to learn, good eyesight or glasses, and a fairly steady hand and patience! Please come join us soon! We welcome everyone!
Please check out our class schedule and the kits offered for your convenience! Please use our contact form with any questions or requests. Thank you for reading this article!
Written by Toni Iacoboni, RN, from her own mind and experience. No AI used.
Creative Mindspace Gallery
Peruse some of the many bead projects that I have explored.
“I would like to thank and acknowledge all of the beading instructors whose classes are reflected in my work shown in this gallery. I wanted to mention them by name, but I realized that there are just too many, and there are so many more pieces that will be continually rotated through our gallery from time to time. If you would like to have the name of the designer of any of my pieces and the class that was taken, please send me a request through our contact form and I would be more than happy to provide you with that instructor’s contact information. All of the instructors that I have taken from are top notch and are still teaching. I would encourage anyone to take their classes!”